Woo Hoo... I have finally made it to Nashville. Also (big plus) I have made it to a work destination where my luggage actually arrived at the airport when I did. I was originally supposed to come to Nashville last week but they canceled that one week trip in favor of a two week trip--now. This means I will get to be in Nashville over the weekend and I am not adverse to this because it makes sight seeing much easier. One of my coworkers and I still go out after work each day, but you can see more when it is light outside.
Anyway, dinner last night was a treat. We went to the Aquarium--yep--is is a themed restaurant all horses and other domestic animals. Not really, there were some fabulous sharks, especially the guitar fish (it's a shark) they had to have one in Nashville, and have named it Gibson. Its nose is quite flat, like a ray, and gives it a shape like a guitar.
Also there was a stingray petting zoo across from the restaurant. The receipt from the dinner let me get free food to feed the stingrays. You make a fist and stick a shrimp in between your fingers sticking (brass knuckles style) and then you put your fist in the water and wait for a bite. It tickles a little when they grab the food. I kept getting a bit jumpy and dropping the shrimp just before the rays took it. This was in opposite to my coworker who wouldn't let go of her shrimp so the ray also bit her knuckle. The place also had other exotic animals: piranhas, poison dart frogs, tarantulas etc. It was a fun way to spend 30 minutes.
If any of you have ideas to relax after a long day at work please comment. I am enjoying my work, and the travel, but I seem to be too stressed to sleep at night. I'm sure I'll get used to being someplace new every few weeks soon. But, for now insomnia is my reaction. Help.