Thursday, March 11, 2010

Viet anyone?

Okay so most of you know that I sometimes speak Vietnamese. Sometimes I speak well and sound fluent and sometimes my tongue decided that it really doesn't speak any languages at all and it sounds like mush. So, I need your help. What are some ways you study foreign languages? Have you seen any good/clean Vietnamese films with or without English subtitles? I have some cramming to do before General Conference (the Young Women's meeting on the 27th particularly). And since I know some of my friends are, in fact, native Viet speakers, what do you suggest.

Any translators/interpreters out there, how do you prepare? What do you do to keep from getting nervous and racing/swallowing words. I'd like to sound like I do understand the language when I read this time. What do you suggest.

And if anyone wonders what I'm up to this month??? I'll be home, studying Viet, stop by and say hi if your in the area.